Sunday, 13 January 2019

Word and Object Ch.1-1

This familiar desk manifests its presence by resisting my pressures and by deflecting light to my eyes. Physical things generally, however remote, become known to us only through the effects which they help to induce at our sensory surfaces. Yet our common-sense talk of physical things goes forward without benefit of explanations in more intimately sensory terms. Entification begins at arm's length; the points of condensation in the primordial conceptual scheme are things glimpsed, not glimpses. In this there is little cause for wonder. Each of us learns his language from other people, through the observable mouthing of words under conspicuously intersubjective circumstances. Linguistically, and hence conceptually, the things in sharpest focus are the things that are public enough to be talked of publicly, common and conspicuous enough to be talked of often, and near enough to sense to be quickly identified and learned by name; it is to these that words apply first and foremost.
Talk of subjective sense qualities comes mainly as a derivative idiom. When one tries to describe a particular sensory quality, he typically resorts to reference to public things -- describing a color as orange or heliotrope, a smell as like that of rotten eggs. Just as one sees his nose best in a mirror, removed to half the optimum focal distance, so also he best identifies his sense data by reflecting them in external objects.
Impressed with the fact that we know external things only mediately through our senses, philosophers from Berkeley onward have undertaken to strip away the physicalistic conjectures and bare the sense data. Yet even as we try to recapture the data, in all their innocence of interpretation, we find ourselves depending upon sidelong glances into natural science. We may hold, with Berkeley, that the momentary data of vision consist of colors disposed in a spatial manifold of two dimensions; but we come to this conclusion by reasoning from the bidimensionality of the ocular surface, or by noting the illusions which can be engendered by two-dimensional artifacts such as paintings and mirrors, or, more abstractly, simplがy by noting that the interception of light in space must necessarily take place along a surface. Again we may hold that the momentary data of audition are clusters of components each of which is a function of just two variables, pitch and loudness; but not without knowledge of the physical variables of frequency and amplitude in the stimulating string.
The motivating insight, viz. that we can know external things only through impacts at our nerve endings, is itself based on our general knowledge of the ways of physical objects -- illuminated desks, reflected light, activated retinas. Small wonder that the quest for sense data should be guided by the same sort of knowledge that prompts it.
センスデータとみなしたいものでさえ公共的場面における物体の振る舞いに依存している(のでthe physicalistic conjecturesを消去するという見かけとは別にthe ways of physical objectsについての知識(=科学)に依拠している)。
Aware of the points thus far set forth, our philosopher may still try, in a spirit of rational reconstruction, to abstract out a pure stream of sense experience and then depict physical doctrine as a means of systematizing the regularities discernible in the stream. He may imagine an idea "protocol language" which, even if in fact learned after common-sense talk of physical things or not at all, is evidentially prior: a fancifully fancyless medium of unvarnished news. Talk of ordinary physical things he would then see as, in principle, a device for simplifying that disorderly account of the passing show.
このパラグラフについては考えることは二つ。まずセンスデータ言語をpriorだと考えてしまう傾向性の背後に何があるのか。感覚というメディウムのあり方が変われば(ドラッグ、お酒、その他)外界の認知が変わるということ、つまりは確実性のレベルである種の懐疑論を生みだす温床がここにはある(つまり懐疑論はそうしたものをpriorだと考える人=哲学者の究極の独りよがりだということもできる)。それに対して否応なく公共的場面における物体の振る舞いが識別できないレベルでセンスデータ言語を可能とする条件に組み込まれていると論じられており、確かにこれは懐疑論の発生をストップさせる安全弁としても結果として機能はする。次に今日の神経科学の技術的な進展を前提にした場合、ここで言われている「プロトコル言語」、つまりは「純粋な感覚の流れ」なるものをダイレクトにコントロールできる状態で(遺伝子改良したマウスについて光学で操作可能、という話はもう10年以上前だけど決定的にブレイクスルー)考えると、実はセンスデータ(言語)という言葉でバークリー以降の哲学者がみたかったものが技術の解像度があがることによって復活しつつあるのではという疑念。もちろん操作的、介入的にしかアクセスできないのも事実であるがゆえに、そうしたものを生のものとして、bare the sense dataはできない可能性は大いにあるが、むしろそうした技術がなかったがゆえに「言語」や「日常的語り」を媒介にしてきた可能性が大いにある(そして語りや言語を媒介にする限りは彼が言うように「公共的場面における物体の振る舞い」が不可避的に介在するだろう)。つまりセンスデータ神話、再びという状況に今はあるはずで、それを可能にしている状況は言語や日常的語りを経由しなくてもセンスデータにアクセスできるようになっているからである(つまり上記引用の斜体になってる部分はQ的には哲学者の過ちだが今日的状況で考えると当時(1959年って60年前か...)の限界を示す箇所でもある(もちろん主語がphilosopherではなくなるが))。すごくトリッキーで、これをワンセンテンスで言える能力こそが哲学者だと思うので、しばし考える。

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